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This tool will check your server headers and the HTTP result codes it returns.
It will follow any redirects it finds along the way, whenever possible. With
this tool you can check to see how your server is redirecting and if your
server is returning 404 for URLs which do not exist.
This tool identifies itself with the following user-agent (this might be logged
on the server):
GSiteCrawler Server Results Checker, User IP:
Please enter the full URL for the page you want to check. The URL must begin
with HTTP (secure sites cannot be tested at the moment).
URL to check:
A short summary of the result codes:
200 OK
This means that your server was able to return content for the URL you
301 Moved Permanently
The URL you requested has moved permanently, all further queries shoud be
directed to the new location. If an old page is no longer valid and you have a
new one in it's place, you should use 301-redirects whenever possible. The
search engines will then replace the old URL with the new one and transfer any
possible "value" of the old URL to the new one.
302 Found
The server has found a temporary redirection. Since this is temporary, this URL
should be used once again for the next time (not the new URL).
304 Not Modified
You shouldn't be seeing this here - it only returns 304 when the client asks
for a newer version of a URL.
307 Temporary Redirect
This is similar to a 302 redirect, the redirection is temporary and the
existing URL should continue to be used.
400 Bad Request
The server didn't understand what you were looking for.
401 Unauthorized
The server does not want to give you access to this content without
403 Forbidden
The server does not want to help you. period. Authentification will not help in
this case.
404 Not Found
Oops, the file you were looking for is not found. Search engines need a 404 in
order to know which URLs are valid and which are not. In order to keep any
value of the old URLs, you should keep a dummy page at the location of the old
URL and 301-redirect from there to the new URL (assuming you have a new one). [
More information on Google and 404-errors
410 Gone
The URl you were looking for is... gone. This is similar to 404.
500 Internal Server Error
Your server is melting - something is wrong, it's not answering to your
requests properly. Contact your System-Administrator or Web-Hoster!
501 Not Implemented