Generating Yahoo! URLLIST.TXT files with the GSiteCrawler

Yahoo! currently allows webmasters to submit a listing of their URLs to their search engine. This listing file (urllist.txt) is a simple text file with all the URLs that can be submitted listed. The GSiteCrawler can create this file for you based on the data already collected.

You will of course first need to crawl your site so that you have the listing of URLs.

To export your project as a Yahoo URLLIST, start your GSiteCrawler, choose the project you want to use. Now click "Generate" (on top, the small arrow next to it) and pick "URL List for export".

In the window following that, choose "Yahoo URL-List.txt". Next you will be able to specify the file name for your Yahoo URL-list. This file must be called "urllist.txt" on your server, I recommend that you call it the same locally. Violá! - your Yahoo! URLLIST is done! The GSiteCrawler will generate the files "urllist.txt" and "urllist.txt.gz". The ".gz" file is just a compressed version of the other file. If your site is fairly large, you might want to upload and submit the compressed version.

You will need to upload the file manually to your server.

You can submit the URLLIST file to Yahoo at the following URL: .

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